Use content for

Do you want to learn how a blog can drive bookings for your hotel?

Yes, I do!

Content Marketing for Hotels

Olive & Lake

Content marketing, also known as blogging, is the cornerstone of any successful SEO strategy and is a proven method to drive targeted traffic to your website. Publishing content on your blog is a long-term strategy but it can drive real results when done correctly.

As a hotelier, you want guests who are looking to stay in your local area to find your hotel. Therefore, you have a lot of helpful content you can publish which potential guests are naturally searching out online when researching a destination. This might include topics such as things to do, the best restaurants in your area, family friendly activities, etc.

You have this local knowledge and by publishing on your blog, you can provide helpful and relevant information – just the kind of content Google and your guests will love!

Producing content has a number of other benefits for your digital marketing too. It can provide content for your social media channels and monthly newsletters. Moreover, blogging can be a great way to attract links from other websites which is central to your SEO strategy.

Blogging is a powerful tool for your hotel and one which shouldn’t be overlooked. However, to get the maximum benefit out of content marketing, it needs to be done right.

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Mean Young


Owner of Peacock Asia Tours

William from Olive & Lake made a website and helped to connect me to online travel agencies to sell my tours. After just a few weeks we started to get some bookings!! He was very professional, and he was always available.

Giovanna Morandi

Giovanna Morandi

Owner of Navutu Resorts

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I cannot thank you enough for helping me to build my incredible website. Not only were you professional the whole way through, your attention to detail, kind and caring nature and going above and beyond. Would 100% recommend you!

Helpful & Relevant Content

Quality Over Quantity

Search engines want to provide their users with helpful and relevant content. The key to a successful content marketing strategy is to write content for people, but optimise it for search engines.

Gone are the days of writing as many 500 word articles as you can. Instead, you want to focus your efforts on publishing only high quality content.

This long term strategy can have real results if implemented correctly and with the reader in mind.

Blogging is a powerful way of driving high quality traffic to your website, increase your brand awareness and help with guest communication.

William Lake
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Will Lake

Creating the Perfect Content Marketing Strategy


First you should plan your strategy by establishing goals, defining your audience, researching competitors, doing keyword research and more.


Your content marketing strategy is only as good as your content writing. You need to produce helpful, relevant and engaging content for your audience


Then you need to publish your content on your website. You’ll need to source images, ensure that you link to other relevant content and more.


Although you should write for people, you also want search engines to love your content. Writing for people but optimising for search engines is key.

How Can Olive & Lake Help You?

You need a flexible approach to content marketing and a place to share your knowledge and expertise. You might love writing and want to produce content yourself but you need help optimising it. Or you might hate writing and want to outsource the entire process. Whatever you need, we can be involved as much or as little as you want.

A content marketing strategy is only successful if implemented correctly!

From planning an overall strategy to planning individual blog posts, writing the content and publishing it on your website, blogging takes time, effort and skill. We only use professional writers, experienced publishers and knowledgeable researchers to produce content for our clients.

Strategic Planning

Plan an entire content marketing strategy which is optimised for readers and search engines.

  • Create content that actually drives traffic to your website.
  • Understand what your guests and visitors are looking for.
  • Understanding your audience is key to a successful blog.

Professional Writing

Don’t write blog posts for the sake of writing. Successful blogs provide value for your readers.

  • Professional writers can capture the imagination of your readers.
  • Write for both people and search engines.
  • Show the world your knowledge and expertise.

Optimised for Search

When publishing blog posts, it’s important to optimise for search engines.

  • Images should be optimised for SEO and user experience.
  • Internal and external linking strategies.
  • Encourage social sharing and engagement from your visitors.

Are You Ready to Start a Blog?

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Want to know more? Keep reading.

Driving Organic Traffic

Blogging & Search Engines

Content marketing is the cornerstone of any good SEO strategy and will help you to drive organic traffic to your website, attract backlinks, provide you with shareable content for your social media and more.

There is a common misconception when people say you need to do “SEO” without fully understanding how SEO is not a separate thing, but ingrained in everything you do on your website.

This is no different when it comes to blogging. In fact, you don’t want to be focusing your SEO on very competitive terms such as “hotels in Paris.” Instead, you might find more success with long-tail keywords in your helpful blog posts.

Creating content for your blog is one of the best things you can do for SEO.

Sebastien Olive
Want to see me in colour?
Sebastien Olive

Blogging for More Visibility

Writing Content for Success

Writing and producing content is important for your success, but it’s also one of the most time consuming, difficult and expensive aspects of digital marketing.

Olive & Lake can help you to write content which resonates with your audience, provides value to your guests and increases your online visibility.

As with everything you do online, this is part of a bigger overall digital strategy, what we call a holistic approach to marketing.

A successful blog means remembering your main goal for marketing and that’s selling your hotel rooms.

Writing for Guest Experience

Improving Your Guest Satisfaction

Your blog can also help to improve your guest experience and expectations. You can answer frequently asked questions, provide guests with ideas of things to do prior to their arrival, or let them know important information about your local area.

You can also use your blog as a good opportunity to upsell your other services. For example, you might want to write about tours and attractions in your local area which you can arrange for your guests.

Use your blog to improve your guest experience and help them to enjoy their stay in your local area.

Writing for Guest Experience

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Blogging to Get Visibility

Customer Journey

When it comes to writing a blog, you should remember that your goal isn’t to drive direct bookings. People will not search for “things to do in Paris”, find your blog and then immediately book one of your rooms.

Instead, we’re looking to increase visibility, brand awareness and promote your local knowledge.

Below is a summary of a common guest journey from researching a destination to finding your hotel.

Blogging to Get Visibility

1. Destination Research

When a guest is looking at a destination, they either know where they want to go and are looking for more information about that destination or they are looking for places suitable for their requirements.

Either way, they’ll be searching online for information.

2. Finding Your Blog

If you have helpful, relevant and well-optimised content about your local area, these searchers will hopefully land on your blog post and read it. This is where understanding your audience is important to the success of your content marketing strategy.

While they are on your website, they will see your hotel, your brand and may even browse around your website looking at your rooms, your special offers, packages and more.

3. Searching for Hotels

Now that the guest has decided on the destination, they will start looking for flights and accommodation. They will do the normal searches like “hotel in Paris” or something similar.

In the search results, they will find the big players in the industry –, TripAdvisor, Expedia, etc.

Here, it’s important that the potential guest sees your hotel in the search results, so you need to have your property listing as visible as possible.

Guests might recognise your property from reading your blog posts and click on to your listing page to check prices, read reviews and look at your photos.

4. Shortlisting & Booking

Now the guest has found and shortlisted your hotel, it’s important that your listing is optimised. You have good photos, a great reputation, good pricing, etc. This will help to persuade the potential guest to book your hotel.

At this point, they may also return to Google to search your brand name to find more information about your property. Here, you want to make sure that your branded search term is well optimised with Google ads, metasearch, SEO etc.

Once they land on your website with this search term, it’s your chance to grab that direct booking. As they have already visited your website, they will already be familiar with your brand and this gives you an advantage over the other shortlisted hotels.

Do You Want to Drive Organic Traffic?

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Hotel Blogging Service

Blogging will benefit your business in many ways. It will help with your SEO strategy, it will provide you with content for your social media and email newsletters, it can help to increase visibility and above all, it can also help to drive bookings.

As a hotelier, you have a wealth of helpful information your guests will be interested to read. This might include information about the local area from things to do, restaurant reviews, tourist information and many other topics.

Content Marketing for Hotels

Frequently Asked Questions

What is content marketing in the hospitality industry?

Content marketing in the hospitality industry is the same as it is in any industry! You create content to stimulate interest around your hotel and services.

You have many things you can write about including information relating to your local area, any specialities you have as a hotel, e.g. yoga retreat, and more.

The aim is to drive targeted traffic to your hotel website to increase your brand awareness and visibility.

What is a hotel blog?

A blog is a place where you can publish content. Usually, this is hosted on your own website.

You will publish content which is related to your business and your location. This will help you to drive traffic to your website. Nowadays, many businesses write content to get more visitors. These people will be searching for content you have written. So, if you have an optimised content marketing strategy, these visitors will be genuinely interested in your businesses and the services you provide.

This will help increase your online visibility and bookings.

This sounds great, how can I start?

Just contact us today for a chat and we’ll explain more about what we can do to help you get started on your blog.