Hotel metasearch to
Do you want to get more direct bookings?
Yes, I do!Hotel Metasearch Service
Olive & Lake
As part of our service to drive direct bookings for your hotel, we make use of hotel metasearch engines such as Google, TripAdvisor, Kayak and Trivago.
Compete on a level playing field with the major Online Travel Agencies (OTAs), get more visibility in search engines, drive direct bookings and improve margins.
Olive & Lake helps many hotels advertise on metasearch engines to increase direct bookings on their website. With metasearch, you can put your direct booking rates above the rates displayed for OTAs which means more traffic to your booking engine and more direct bookings.
Directly compete with OTAs on a level playing field and drive direct bookings for your hotel. Optimise your revenue with metasearch to turn your guests into direct bookers.
We come highly recommended...

General Manager
Olive & Lake has a deep understanding of the hospitality industry distribution. Whether you're planning to open a new property or aiming to upscale an existing one, Olive & Lake will be super helpful at every stage of your development.

Owner of Pavillon d'Orient
Olive & Lake are real professionals, and they know what they are doing! We hired them to help us manage our online presence for our hotel. Our scores on the OTAs quickly improved and we got more visibility and bookings!

Montra Nivesha Hotel
This company is outstanding! Staff are friendly, fast to answer requests and easy to work with, especially Sebastien. Everything is possible with these guys, ideas, solutions and advice. I highly recommend Olive & Lake.
Save Commissions with Direct Bookings
Do You Want More Direct Bookings?
Unfortunately, nothing in life is free. Even direct bookings come at a cost. However, these costs are significantly less than the commission you’ll be paying for OTA bookings.
If you have a brand name people are searching for, good local SEO, a great reputation, correct rate parity and a good revenue strategy, then metasearch ads are for you!
We’ll take care of the setup, bidding and ensure that you have the best rates to put your booking engine above the competition.
If you have a good occupancy rate and want to optimize your revenue, metasearch will help to turn those guests into direct bookers.

How We Manage Hotel Metasearch!
Ready To Get More Direct Bookings?
Contact us today for a no strings attached and 100% FREE Consultation.
Get Started Now!Want to know more? Keep reading.
Hotel Metasearch Engines
Be Seen First, Get above the Otas!
We will put your hotel above the online travel agencies who are taking a commission on every booking. Hotel metasearch listings can encourage more direct bookings and reduce the commission you pay to OTAs.
Put your hotel #1 on:
- Google Hotel Search
- Trivago
- TripAdvisor
- Kayak
Encourage more direct bookings and put yourself on a level playing field against OTAs.

Get More Direct Bookings for Your Hotel
Save Money on Commissions
If you already receive bookings from other channels like or Expedia, the chances are that people are looking for your property. OTAs spend a lot of money to drive traffic to their websites to increase their market share.
You can compete with them by putting your prices on meta search engines for hotels and be right there at the moment travellers are ready to book your hotel.
The process of getting started on hotel meta search can be complicated, but we’ll take care of everything for you. We will make sure your bidding strategy and placements are optimized to make sure you don’t waste your budget.
Increase visibility. Protect your brand. Improve your margins. Get a better return on your investment.
Campaign Creation & Management
Getting Started with Metasearch
Metasearch results show available rates for your property directly in the search results on websites such as Google alongside other channels selling your rooms.
We want to make sure that you have rate parity and that your rates are shown first.
We’ll create your campaigns and manage bidding to ensure that we are in control of the budget and profitability.
Metasearch ads are a cost-effective way to increase your direct bookings, but it’s not a “set and forget” approach.
We will manage your metasearch campaign to reach your objectives.
Make sure that your hotel is visible and seen above other channels selling your rooms.

Budget Control - Get the Best CPC
Focus on what you're good at!
Meta searches are a great way of increasing your direct booking.
You want to be visible on the first 3 spots and maximise your visibility.
We want to gain more direct bookings at a lower cost than what you would have paid in commission for a booking from an OTA.
Therefore, controlling your expenses and budget is really important because you don’t want the booking to cost you more than what you would have paid to the OTAs!
Olive & Lake can manage your bidding strategy to maximize your visibility on the top selling spots to maximise your profit.
Get more visibility, but keep your budget in control by saving money on expensive commissions.
Price Parity Is Important
Keep Your Prices in Check!
Successful metasearch campaigns require that you have competitive direct booking prices.
To be present on the metasearch is not enough.
If your rates are more expensive than other rates listed on the metasearch results, you won’t get too many clicks!
We ensure that your direct booking prices are at least the same as the lowest prices offered by OTAs.
It’s a daily struggle to ensure rate parity in the hotel industry and it takes time to check. That’s why we have a dedicated team working on maintaining our clients’ rate parity.
Save time on checking rate parity with our automated tools.

Hotel Booking Engine
Make It Easy to Book!
When clicking on a metasearch listing, the user will be directed to your booking engine.
Your booking engine is the most important aspect of converting these visitors in customers.
You booking engine needs to be fast, easy to book and display competitive rates.
There are many booking engines available which work with your PMS and channel manager or has all these things built into one platform.
With so many booking engines available on the market, it’s difficult to choose one, but we can help you find one which fulfils all your needs.
It's great getting lots of visitors, but they need to convert into customers.
Ready To Get More Direct Bookings?
Contact us today for a no strings attached and 100% FREE Consultation.
Get Started Now!Our team will get back to you shortly!
Hotel Metasearch Company
We are able to compete with OTAs and increase direct bookings for our clients. Metasearch has been increasingly important and will only continue to evolve. We’ll make sure that we stay at the forefront of this technology to allow our clients to get benefits from displaying their direct prices on metasearch listings.
Hotel Metasearch will help you to get more direct bookings. If you’re looking to get a new source of bookings, hotel metasearch isn’t the best thing for you. But if you already have good local SEO, a brand name people are searching for, a good reputation, then hotel metasearch can help to drive more direct bookings.
If you have a good occupancy rate and want to optimize your revenue, metasearch will help to turn those guests into direct bookers.
Even direct bookings come at a cost, but this cost is significantly cheaper than the commission you will pay OTAs and other sales channels.

Frequently Asked Questions
How do I get started with hotel metasearch ads?
Yes, you’ll need to use a booking engine on your website and be able to track sales.
Depending on what booking engine you are currently using the process can be really straightforward.
Whatever the solution you are using, we’ll take a look and see if it’s possible to start advertising your hotel’s rates on metasearch listings.
Is my hotel ready for hotel meta search?
Metasearch ads will only work for hotels that have basic things in place otherwise you’ll be wasting money. You need to have your Google My Business listing setup and optimised correctly, a brand name people are searching for, a good reputation, correct rate parity and a good booking engine to ensure that you are getting the best outcome from running hotel metasearch ads.
If you don’t have bookings from other sources or you don’t have all of the things listed above in place then you are not ready to start running ad campaigns. Olive & Lake can help you reach the stage you need to be at to start optimising your revenue streams.